Soul Care Soak; Space for Your Soul to Breathe
There are many ways to care for one's soul, and this experiences is a nest full of them. Picture calm, peaceful connectedness. Tranquil music...gentle movement...and while each session is unique, there are often elements of meditation, visualization, and reflective journaling.
This is an invitation to slow down, be still, and see what wants to rise to the surface, fall away, or something else entirely.
You'll want a fitness mat or similar to sit/lay on and something to write on/with. You may find a blanket, small pillow, and socks to make certain aspects of our session more comfortable, though definitely not required. Many appreciate attending Soul Care Soak on an emptier stomach. Light meal/snacks prior to tend to bid well, but consuming a heavier meal prior to meditation and breath work can be distracting and sometimes uncomfortable as your body is busy digesting.
Come as you are. Leave lighter.
Soul Care Soak Session #1
There are many ways to care for one's soul, and this experiences is a nest full of them. Picture calm, peaceful connectedness. Tranquil music...gentle movement...and while each session is unique, there are often elements of meditation, visualization, and reflective journaling.
This is an invita...